Frédéric Gierlinger
A webpage about me and my projects

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  • @NoiZe91
  • gpg --fingerprint 0x468ED281
    pub 2048R/468ED281 2012-05-22 [expires: 2018-12-31]
        Key fingerprint = 8AC7 6D5C 7E2E 8FAC 9618
                          60A9 2FE1 D0B6 468E D281

Publications Or what I've written so far

Purpose Title Pub. date Language Details
Master Thesis Software defined data centre built with open-source software 09/2015 en Details...
Bachelor Thesis Designing a network for medical and research purposes 05/2013 de Details...
Bachelor Thesis Evaluation of positions for ad-hoc transmitter equipment of relief forces 02/2013 de Details...
Research Paper Ethernet - Technik und Protokolle 06/2009 de Details...

Badges Of tools I love to use

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Last update: 17/12/2017